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Section A

                               MOTIVATIONAL TIPS AND INFORMATION       

I did not create the story, I am about to share with you.
I don't know who did but I'm going to share it with you
      because it is to illustrate an important success
     Once upon a time, there lived a very rich man. He was so rich that he could afford anything he fancied,  but the rich man had
only one child. A female child. A beautiful one at that.
       When the rich man's daughter grew up. Many suitors came along the way asking for her hand in marriage. That was not a surprise though. She was every young man's dream. Beautiful, rich with the world at her feet.
        Because of the number of suitors coming to meet her way, she became confused and spoilt of choice. She decided to solicit the help of her father. Her father eagerly agreed to help her.
       The rich man sent out a message to all his daughter's suitors informing them to gather at his mansion on a particular date. In the message, he said he would carry out a test for all of them and that the winner of the test will become his daughter's husband, not only that,  he would give the lucky man the sum of one million dollars.
        On the appointed day, twelve able bodied young men gathered. They were all eager to emerge victorious so they could marry the rich man's daughter and also go home with the priced money, (1 million) US dollars.
        Then the rich man announced what the test was: all contestants were to swim across his swimming pool and that the first person that comes out at the other end wins the contest.
        All the men agreed it was an easy test and they all got prepared.
        Then came the moment. The rich man asked them to get set & dive into the swimming pool at the count of three.
        Just as he was about to count up to three, two massive crocodiles sprang out from beneath the water. All the men were taken aback. They retreated and slowly, they exchanged glances of fear and depression. Then, the unexpected happened.
       One of the young men jumped into the pool. Everyone was shocked. He began to swim desperately. One of the crocodiles approached him, he ducked. He swam past the second and he frantically reached the other end of the pool successfully where he was pulled up.
        The rich man was glad. The girl was jumping for joy. Everyone hailed the man's bravery.
        "Congratulations my young man, you have just won the hand of my daughter in marriage" the rich man announced to the admiration of every one.
         The winner, still panting replied "Sir, I'm no longer interested in marrying your daughter".
         The rich man was surprised, but he calmed down and said "you have been great today and you have also won 1 million US Dollars and I'm going to write the cheque right now".
         The young man replied again, "Sir, I'm not interested in your daughter neither am I interested in your money".
         The girl was disappointed and the rich man was getting impatient. He then asked the young man, what do you want".
         The young man said, "I want to know the person that pushed me into the pool".
         Whoa! So he did not go into the pool himself, somebody mistakenly or deliberately pushed him. But whether he was pushed or not, he made it. If he hadn't been pushed, he would never have believed he could make it.
           What can you deduce from this story! Don't you think a lot of us find ourselves in such a situation like the young man in the story?
             There are times when we see obstacles (crocodiles) on our ways to achieving great things in life. But due to non our ways to achieving great things in life. But due to fear of being eaten up, we don't take action. Deep down in us, we know that If we face obstacles,  we have the capabilities of going past them, like the young man did.
              So what are you waiting for? Do something about that dream you have in you and you will discover that crocodiles are toothless. So push yourself and always surround yourself with people that will always push you.
             That is exactly what this forum is about .... To push you. This forum is a packed full of helpful motivational tips & quotes that can give you the boost you need.
            So grab your favourite cup of tea or coffee and bask in the warmth of these motivational quotes and let yourself believe that you have the full right to go after your heart desires and dreams.
           Am wishing you all the motivation you will ever need ....
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To be continued.....


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