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Chapter 2

                          MOTIVATION VERSUS ENTHUSIASM
"The degree of your motivation is in
direct proportion to the amount of
enthusiasm you possess"
- Egwuyenga Eloho

    There are two key principles needed for getting anything done in life: Motivation and Enthusiasm while motivation is the external impulse that inspires to create a willingness in any individual to accomplish an objective,  Enthusiasm is the internal impulse within an individual that inspires him/her to perform or accomplish any objectives.

    ■   What Motivates you each day?
    ■   What is it that causes your feet to hit the floor and
          get out of bed to start another cycle of living?
    ■   Is is routine? Or
    ■   Is there something bigger that drives you?

   Personally, I have come to the realization that motivation is one of these components of life that we talk about quite often but don't spend a lot of time defining. Enthusiasm is often errant considered as motivation but is not. Enthusiasm is easier to generate but when the time comes to take action on enthusiasm, many will put it off and soon, never execute. I have been a victim of this on several occasions.
    The difference between enthusiasm and motivation is quite similar to the difference between lust and love in a relationship. One is easier because of the immediate reward. The other harder because it takes effort.
     Motivation is when you lose your job and you have to reinvent yourself to employers. The actions you take in these situations are driven by motivation and not enthusiasm. The bible speaks of our work and death in these terms.

              "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with
              all your might, for in the grave, where you
               are going, there is neither working nor
                planning nor knowledge nor wisdom".Eccl 9:20

      Realistically I'm entering the first stage of my life as far as work is concerned. What is it that I mostly want to achieve?
To be a blessing to my generation by making a positive impact in my word and of course, a decent quality of life for sure. I want my hubby and to have some time together when our kids are grown so we can enjoy our final years together doing things we have always love. I'm honoured to serve nasty a Speaker, a writer, a facilitator, a motivator, a tutor, and a blogger.
      What eternal difference would I make in this brief window of time that God gave me to live my life?
       What can I do for someone else that will matter past the days I'm here?
............. THAT IS WHAT MOTIVATES ME...........
        And the answer to these questions require a daily examination of my actions.

What about you?
        What motivates you? Well I believed that is rhetorical. I don't need the answers. It is simply for you not me. Whatever it is that motivates you could be quite different from mine, but this is what I live for.
        Sure I'm enthusiastic about it but that's not what drives me. Don't confuse the two. Plan your day with motivation in mind, but be enthusiastic about it. So I ask again, what motivates you?

To Be Continued In Chapter 3


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